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Our trained, professional counsellors work with individuals, couples, families and groups (children to adults), offering a range of traditional and non-traditional counselling & therapeutic services. Clients have a choice between our faith-based approach or our morally based approach when receiving counselling. Both approaches are designed to wholistically supplement growth in the major areas of our clients' development.

BLFC's proven methods are specially designed to help all clients engaged in counselling, develop efficient life and coping skills so that they can function at their best during difficult situations. Clients learn to lay the foundation for change and personal development while creating balance and healthy self-management.

Here are just some of the areas we address in counselling & therapy:

Trauma from Abuse or Other Experience | ADD/ADHD | Autism/Asperengers | Anger Management | Anxiety & Panic | Behavioural Issues | Childhood Tragedies Depression | Separation or Divorce Recovery (for Families) | Emotional Distress | Esteem Issues | Family Issues | Grief or Loss

Marital Issues | Relationship Issues | Sexual Reproductive Health Education | Spiritual Issues | Stress Management

If you don’t see the area you desire counselling for, simply contact us here and enquired about it.

Learn the FAQs about Counselling at BLFC!




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What Clients are Saying...

I received support provided in the form of counselling, which helped to put my information, challenges and concerns into perspective. Using a God-centered approach, Tricia often reframed my concerns and challenges into a structure that was encompassed by God’s word. I often felt renewed and encouraged after each session.

Client of Individual Break Through Counselling through the AAE Programme

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